Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Only Way to Start the Day.

I woke up wanting him, not to say that I woke up and wanted him but I actually woke from wanting him. I tried to rouse him with kisses and carressing but he slept on soundly. I looked at the clock and thought it said nine something so I tried to get back to sleep, and failing that I tried to wait for my alarm to go off so I had an excuse to wake him up. I waited and tried to curb my desire. The hour changed and my ten o'clock alarm didn't go off. I took a closer look at the clock. 8:01. Good grief, I only went to bed six hours ago. I tried, again, to fall back asleep, or at least doze. No luck. So I slipped out of bed carefully so as to let him sleep some more and went to my computer to occupy myself with coin articles and erotica till a more reasonable hour. At nine-thirty I slipped back into bed and nestled into him, waking him without a word.
You know how they say the longer you wait for something the better is when you get it?
Sooo true.
