Thursday, June 28, 2007

Georgous Uncertainty.

In less than a week I leave on a plane to visit a man I have never seen face to face before. I have known him for about six months on the web, talked to him online for hours, and on the phone for hours on top of that. I don't feel that he's a stranger at all, but I am aware that I don't know him well. I have no hesitation in this, no doubt about what I'm doing. If I am with him for a little less than a week and he decides I'm not what he wanted me to be, or I decide he's not as remarkable as I was convinced he was, than so be it. Better to know, better to know his smell and taste and feel and never know it again than to ache for him and never know. If it makes me a bad woman to do what I do and choose what I choose, than I can live with that fact. I don't have to be good, I don't have to live as I'm expected to. I won't regret my misdeeds, but I shall learn from them always. He's so beautiful, not just in body, but in mind and heart, that I know however long I'm allowed with him will be something I cherish. I can work out the future once I know more than the simple, blinding fact that I want him.
So here's to latest adventure in this little life of mine.

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