Thursday, February 23, 2006

Love and Logistics

A friend of mine is having problems with her boyfriend, she thinks they're going to break up. Looking at it from my spot on the sidelines is making me think. He is a lot like me, some of my weaknesses and strengths, and seeing her view and empathizing with her I see some things about myself. I understand what others don't like about me, I have more clarity on things I don't like about myself. I know the way she is, I know her strengths and weaknesses as well, and I wish he could see himself, and her, from the sidelines. Because she needs him, and I'm sure he needs her too, but she can't make him see what she's thinking and he won't do what she wants, but can't outrightly ask of him. It's odd, people are all so different, everyone is unique so they say, but we all seem to follow the same emotional patterns. We all seem to alienate each other in the same ways. We expect different things of each other from one moment to the next, we don't speak our minds in the blind belief that we are understood, or when we do we are angry that our thoughts come as a surprise. Sometimes I worry about my own relationship, not because I don't love my sweetheart, but because I have no idea how to handle being in love. I know the things I should change about my behavior, but it doesn't make it easier to face up to doing that. I don't say what I'm thinking, I don't have the courage to bring up what I agonize over in my head. I'm afraid of being loved too deeply because I don't know where that will take me, and I'm afraid I would let myself end up just along for the ride.

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