Thursday, March 30, 2006


Yesterday I had my Entomology exam, I was still catching up a few hours before it. I was so nervous I threw up what little I had eaten. I did okay, I think so anyways, but I still felt like I was going to pass out about half way through it. I was more nervous than the first one, speaking of... I tied for second highest score with another student and got a mug. Whoop de do. And guess what the first highest score got? A mug. So yeah, I'm stark raving mad. I put things off until the last minute and then have to do them perfectly. I've pretty much submited myself to the fact that I'm going to fail my Genetics test. I have five lectures to watch, I don't have the course pack, and I only have myself to blame. But I'll deal. I'll study as much as I can and take the test, if I fail it then I deal with that.
I have a cramped or strained muscle in my back, right along my spine on the right side from my lower back to the middle. I'm not sure what I did to it. I think it might be my bed, it's a water bed and when I filled it I didn't make sure that all of the tubes were filled exactly the same so some are fuller and thus higher than others and I never bothered to even it out so i have peaks and valleys in my bed. I worked til close tonight and came home and submitted a genetics report. All of my projects are due at once, I think I'm going to get ulcers.

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